Friday, December 12, 2008

More pictures from the Christmas Light parade in Palm Springs Loved this tractor!

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Nov 30 2008

Well time sure flies! It’s already time to leave this Thousand Trails Park and move about 170 miles north east to Indio, which is in the desert close to where we were 2 weeks agio. We have a coupon for a $199.00 month at a Carefree park there, the regular price is $875, what a bargan! It is a beautiful park with 3 heated swimming pools that we have been taking advantage of. I’m going to swimming aerobics in the mornings.
While in Chula Vista we went into San Diego and toured the Midway Carrier. It was commissioned in 1945 and retired in 1998, the quarters on board are SPARCE! 4500 people on board, it was an eye opener to me. The same day we were there the Ronald Regan came in,with all the other ships that accompany a carrier, and the Nimitz was across the bay. On Saturday we went to La Jolla to see the sea caves and the sea lions. There were several weddings on the beautiful lawns by the ocean. I think I could live there! Our Thousand Trails park was close to one of only 3 Olympic Training centers in the country. Athletes go there for training, some for as long as 6 years. The teams that go there longest are the rowers, track and field , bicyclists and soccer players.
For Thanksgiving Norm cooked a turkey and we had a full turkey dinner in the motorhome. We ate turkey for 6 days, but it was good.
Saturday we drove to Palm Springs to see their Christmas light parade. It was attended by over 80,000 people and it was quite a treat.. I will include some pictures in the blog. Sunday we went to a tamale festival in Indio. It was a lot like the Bloomsburg fair with a Mexican flavor. We had beef, pork and strawberry tamales and some type of sandwich I don’t know the name of. There were 3 or 4 stages with Mariachi bands entertaining, a real nice event.
There is a GMC club here at the park for a rally 25 of them. They belong to a chapter of FMCA and came in for the Tamale Festival. They were all built in the 70s, 13,000 in all, and according to the couple we talked to 9000 are still in use. We toured one and it looked a lot like our 86 Classic airstream. They were made by General Motors but outfitted by various other companies.
Norm joined Massage envoy for six months. It/s a franchise and they offer $39.00 massages after you join for 6 months, AND PAY $59 for one massage per month. He thinks it’s the best thing since sliced bread.
Last night we went to a market in Indio at the fairgrounds. It was a lot like Webster in FL only I didn’t hear much English spoken. We got lots of fruit and veggies.
Hope this finds you all healthy and happy.
Happy travels
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