Monday, July 9, 2012

PA to the Border

 We came back to Milton and things just worked out that we were able to have the swimming pool repaired before we left for our adventure. It needed new coping brick around the edges and a new liner. I was able to get in it one time before we left.

6-23 2012

We left Pa at 3:45 after a nice day with the family. We spent the first night at Youngstown and the second near Chicago, and the third in Council Bluffs Iowa. From here we headed north on RT. 29. I’m really liking my new I Pad, a trucker put me onto gas buddy and it saved us plenty already. The cheapest diesel we got so far was $3.33 with credit at Sams in Souix City Iowa.

6-26 and 6-27

Camping in the Badlands

It was a scorcher on the highway and we got hooked up and ran the air as soon as possible! Our neighbor said it was 109 degrees. I think I’ve never been that hot! In the evening we took the Badlands loop road by prairie dog colonies. I could watch them forever. We also saw plenty of mule deer, big horn sheep and one buffalo.

We realized our Toad need tires BAD! The break wasn’t working properly and had flat spots on every tire. Due to the tires needing replaced we headed into Rapid City and found a Ford garage that would take us a 1PM. We drove through the park to get there and it was a lovely drive. We had some time to explore the city. There is a bronze statue of each president on the corners. We had lunch there and browsed in some art galleries, one had some beautiful beaded jewelry. The buildings there were very well kept and they had a lovely water park for the children.

The Ford garage had a nice lounge with wifi and snacks. The wait wasn’t so tough. Stopped at Wall Drug on the way home and took in a ranger program in the eve.


Another warm day and a travel day for us. We took the scenic route 44 thru the Black Hills to Deadwood then 85 and 212 north thru a corner of Wy. and into MT. We were rerouted in MT because of wildfires, so we headed north to Miles City where we spent the night.

Next stop Bozeman where we noticed our Focus windshield was cracked, hopefully it will hold together until we get out of Alaska, because I’m sure we’ll get more dings up there.

6-30 7-1

From Bozeman to the border we took RT 15 a beautiful drive along streams and railroads. We stopped at “Gates Of the Mountain”, and took the boat ride on the Missouri River between high granite cliffs. We saw an eagle and picturegraphs made by Indians hundreds of years ago. They painted with iron oxide and some kind of base ,not really known, but it sure did last! This was the path of Lewis and Clark. We camped 56 miles from the border, and crossed with no trouble at 9 AM. We stopped for info and realized today is Canada Day. They invited us to stay for a barbeque at noon but we thanked them and moved on. The bright yellow fields of canola are a sight to see.

 Repairing the pool 

My favorite little critter!
Big Horn sheep in the Badlands
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